About us

Differences are what characterize us. Being different doesn’t mean less; being different means each one is unique. The world needs to understand and embrace the uniqueness of people with autism. Nevali is a foundation that perceived the need to educate society about Autism. Many consider people with autism as a burden to society. However, since autism disorder has been affecting about 1 in 54 children in the U.S, Nevali took the initiative to spread awareness that with the right support, we can lead every autistic child to a bright independent adulthood. Despite their challenges, peop le with autism have considerable strengths.

Core features

Your shoulder to lean on and your voice when you struggle to have one.

Nevali’s core values show the transparency of our dedication, our services, and our philosophy. Nevali’s six core value pillars are adopted heartily and abided by regularly.


Everyone has the right to be treated equally.


Everyone should be respected despite their differences and uniqueness.


In order to gain your trust, we are committed to total transparency as a nonprofit foundation.